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10 WCW Ideas WWE Should Totally Steal

WCW may get a ton of feedback, yet these are thoughts WWE ought to consider…  

Wcw Building

Most would agree that WCW was never flawless, and much has even been penned about correlations to TNA, yet the truth of the matter is that World Championship Wrestling did a hell of a great deal right. Vince McMahon's WWF wasn't terminating on all chambers themselves in the mid-90's, however it still took a considerable measure for anybody to take his juggernaut on, and that is precisely what WCW did.

There were numerous explanations behind such achievement, yet when taking a gander at wrestling amid the-mid-to-late 90's, each one top organization had their own particular authoritative style, and there were explanations behind and against every one of them. Between the WWF, WCW and ECW, there was a great deal to appreciate, and it paints an unmistakable difference to today, where fans have WWE and TNA, which is generally considered as being WWE-lite.


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